I've found a lot information in internet about this, but I can't answer for myself; will .net 4.0 application work slower if I add .net 3.5/2.0 assembly, and should I recompile them in 4.0 if I can?
I don't think you should worry about performance in this scenario. The 2.0/3.5 assemblies may actually work faster, since there is potentially less code overhead (in some rare cases).
But that's all micro-optimization anyway, and the only way you're going to know for sure is to profile your code, and see how fast it really is. I think you're going to find in the vast majority of cases that it isn't going to matter.
Robert Harvey
2010-05-24 15:20:36
Yes, but dzen will be lost :)So there is no difference between refferencing 4.0 or earlier assemblies, is there? Will two runtimes be loaded or not? (Just assemblies, not com-objects)
2010-05-24 16:54:17