I am trying to get rows where the foreign key ParentID == 0, and this is what I am trying but I get a NotSupportedException because it can't translate the ArrayIndex [0]
IQueryable<ApplicationSectionNode> topLevelNodeQuery =
from n in uacEntitiesContext.ApplicationSectionNodeSet
where (int)n.Parent.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value == 0
orderby n.Sequence
select n;
So I need to pull that ArrayIndex out of the query so that the runtime can successfully translate the query. I'm not sure how to do that though. How does one query a specific object via it's primary key or set of objects via foreign key?
Edit: Note that there is not actually a row in the table with NodeId == 0, the 0 is a magic value(not my idea) to indicate top level nodes. So I can't do n.Parent.NodeId == 0