I have a Windows Form that displays several DataGridViews in the following layout:
(No access to image hosting at work, so please pardon the ASCII art...)
││ ││ ││
│└───────────┘│ ││
|┌───────────┐│ ││
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│└───────────┘│ ││
|┌───────────┐│ ││
││ ││ ││
Unfortunately, when the user resizes the form to be taller, the form ends up looking like this:
││ ││ ││
│└───────────┘│ ││
| | ||
| | ||
|┌───────────┐│ ││
││ ││ ││
│└───────────┘│ ││
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|┌───────────┐│ ││
││ ││ ││
Instead of this:
││ ││ ││
││ ││ ││
│└───────────┘│ ││
|┌───────────┐│ ││
││ ││ ││
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│└───────────┘│ ││
|┌───────────┐│ ││
││ ││ ││
││ ││ ││
To reproduce this, anchor the Top-Left DataGridView to Top-Left, the Center-Left DataGridView to Left, and the Bottom-Left DataGridView to Bottom-Left, and the big DataGridView to all 4.
What can I do to get the behavior I want?