Pretty new to all this, so if I am going about my puzzle in a crazy way please tell me!
I have a table in a mySQL database with the columns title, hyperlink, imagelink
I want the php to select a row at random, then be able to save the title, hyperlink and imagelink as php variables. (so I can then output them into html)
so I could have for e.g
psuedoey code to get the idea
chosenNumber = randomNumber();
$chosenTitle = title[chosenNumber]
$chosenHyperlink = hyperlink[chosenNumber]
$chosenImagelink = imagelink[chosenNumber]
echo "<a href = $chosenTitle><img src= $chosenImagelink/> $chosenTitle </a>";
I think I need to use an assoc array like this here but I am very confused, because I looked through the various php mySQL fetch_assoc fetch_row etc and can't find which one to do what i need :(
What I have so far is
// database table name information
$number = "number";
$title = "title";
$hyperlink = "hyperlink";
$imagelink = "imagelink";
// sql to select all rows of adverts
$sql = "SELECT $number, $title, $hyperlink, $imagelink FROM $table";
//execute the sql
$data = mysql_query($sql, $link);
//count the number of rows in the table
$bannerCount = mysql_num_rows($data);
//generate a random number between 0 and the number of rows
$randomNumber = mt_rand(0, $bannerCount); //do I need to do bannerCount-1 or similar here?
$chosenNumber = $randomNumber;
//select data from a random row
First time post, be kind please, and thanks for any replies or explanations!