




I'm just learning Haskell. I thought this would produce a factorial function...

(within ghci)

Prelude> let ft 0 = 1
Prelude> let ft n = n * ft (n - 1)
Prelude> ft 5

(hangs indefinitely, until ^C).

Can someone point me in the right direction?


+21  A: 

The two separate let statements are interpreted independently from each other. First a function ft 0 = 1 is defined, and then a new function ft n = n * ft (n - 1) is defined, overwriting the first definition.

To define one function with two cases you have to put both cases into a single let statement. To do this in a single line at the GHCI prompt you can separate the two cases by ;:

Prelude> let ft 0 = 1; ft n = n * ft (n - 1)
Prelude> ft 5
In other words, what you wrote is (almost) correct Haskell; the problem is that GHCI accepts different syntax from what you'd put in a separate source file. If you put those two lines, but without the word `let` (that's the "almost"), in a file Factorial.hs, then in GHCI enter:`:load Factorial`then`ft 5`you'll get 120.Don't know if you've come across "do notation" yet (e.g. for I/O), but the syntax that's allowed at the GHCI prompt is the same as what's allowed inside a do block.
Sam Stokes