By quote, what is the appropiate language to manipulate an Access database?
A Windows user interface to manipulate an existing Access Database.
... and why?
By quote, what is the appropiate language to manipulate an Access database?
A Windows user interface to manipulate an existing Access Database.
... and why?
You can access Access databases from your favorite scripting languages such as VBScript:
Set MyConn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=MyDb.mdb;"
Set RSet = MyConn.Execute ("select * from MyTable")
While not RSet.EOF
Wscript.echo "MyColumn = " & RSet("MyColumn")
Set RSet = nothing
Set MyConn = nothing
The easiest (and usual) way is to use Visual Basic for Applications, which is built into Access.
I guess any language that has a library to talk to an OLE DB or ODBC database is suitable, but why not use Access itself? It's possible to create forms and program inside MS Access!
try VBA, it has built-in interpreter so you don't have to import special libraries. If satisfied with what you have done, and want more speed, perhaps translate the VBA program into C++ if you like it. I picked C++ because you have tagged this question C++
Visual Basic .NET or C# would be my choice as there are enough objects and classes built-in to support create medium size database driven applications without writing much code :) objects in the OleDb namespace can be used to connect and insert/retrieve/update data in the database
Here is a C# tutorial