I have a really odd behavior here: I created a little popup dialog in jQuery UI, and in my test HTML page, it works flawlessly. When I click on the button, the popup comes up, covers the background, and remains on screen until I click on one of the two buttons (OK or Cancel) provided.
So now I wanted to add this into my ASP.NET 3.5 app. I wanted to add it to a GridView inside a user controls (ASCX), which is on a page (ASPX) contained inside a master page. The jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.1 scripts are referenced on the master page:
<form id="XXXXXX" runat="server">
<Ajax:ScriptManager ID="masterScriptManager" runat="server" ScriptMode="Auto">
<asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js" />
I had to change this to use the Ajax script manager, since adding them to the as never worked.
So in my gridview, I have a column with image buttons, and when the user clicks on those, I am calling a little javascript function to show the jQuery UI dialog:
function showDialog()
When I run this page in MS IE 8, I get a separate page, and at the top of the page, I get the contents of my , with proper background color and all. In Firefox 3.5.6, I do get the dialog as a popup.
In both cases, the dialog page/popup disappears again after a second or less - without me clicking anything!
It seems similar to this question but the solution provided there doesn't work in my case. This one here also seems similar but again: the solution presented doesn't seem to work in my case...
Any ideas / hints / tips on what the h** is going on here??
Update: OK, one problem is solved - it appears that for whatever reason, the default MS Ajax stuff is adding some kind of an "observer" to my popup dialog and closes it right away after it shows up :-(
So I changed the OnClientClick="showDialog();"
to OnClientClick="showDialog(); return false;"
and how that doesn't happen anymore - the dialog box pops up and stays there until I click on either of the two buttons (OK
and Cancel