Is there an established or unofficial way of finding out if my application is running on a Windows Mobile 6.5.3 device or if it's a previous version? Managed or native doesn't matter and I don't mind interop-ing.
3@npinti: In general, the info is fine, but some of it don't apply to .Net CF.
Johann Gerell
2010-05-25 13:39:51
Use System.Environment.OSVersion
That gets the CE version number, which would have to be translated to OS Version number with a lookup table. The best I can find at the moment is here, but its not yet up to date with the newest versions.
2010-05-25 11:36:44
@PaulG: Thanks, but that just gives me *{Microsoft Windows CE 5.2.23090}*. To map that to WM 6.5.3 I would have to know between what max and min build number in the OSVersion that the WM 6.5.3 are valid.
Johann Gerell
2010-05-25 11:53:49
Is this the missing piece of info? should also be useful:
2010-05-25 12:30:32
Thanks Shaihi. I had already added the link to that table, but it is unfortunately missing the required info.
2010-05-27 13:32:18
Since I want some reputation ;)
Here is the information I found on the web:
How to detect Windows Mobile 6.1 (Detecting AKUs)
List of AKUs on channel9
Windows CE / Windows Mobile Versions
2010-05-25 13:34:21