I'm trying to chain two named_scopes in my User model.
The first:
named_scope :commentors, lambda { |*args|
{ :select => 'users.*, count(*) as total_comments',
:joins => :comments,
:conditions => { :comments => { :public_comment => 1, :aasm_state => 'posted', :talkboard_user_id => nil} },
:group => 'users.id',
:having => ['total_comments > ?', args.first || 0],
:order => 'total_comments desc' }
The second:
named_scope :not_awarded_badge, lambda { |badge_id|
{ :include => :awards,
:conditions => [ "? not in (select awards.badge_id from awards where awards.user_id = users.id)", badge_id ]
I am trying to chain the two like this:
However, I get the following error:
Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'total_comments' in 'order clause': SELECT `users`.`id`...
How can I resolve this issue?