



I have an application which shows a Tree where can select nodes of the tree and add them to a list. To keep the code clean I have moved the TreeView into it's own UserControl(I use this tree in several places) and xaml file. To add a node to the list I have an 'add' button. However I want to gray-out this 'add' button when none of the treeviewitems are selected. What is the wisest way to do this. I can bind to the complete usercontrol and write a more complicated converter, but this seems inelegant. Are there any simple solutions?

I would have hoped something along the lines of "ElementName=xamlFile.TargetElement" would have worked...


Here's how I would do it. I would have a Main.Xaml, which would have a Main_ViewModel.Xaml set as it's DataContext. In Main.Xaml, I would have a MyTreeViewControl and a Button. For the MyTreeViewControl, I would have also created a MyTreeViewControl_ViewModel (which would use INotifyPropertyChanged). In the Main_VeiwModel, I would create MyTreeViewControl_ViewModel property and instantiate it with a new instance of MyTreeViewControl_ViewModel. Then, in the Main.xaml, you could set the DataContext of your MyTreeViewControl to be that property. In the Main_ViewModel, you could have a Visibility property that the 'Add' buttons visibility is bound to. In the Main_ViewModel, you could subcribe to the 'PropertyChanged' event of the MyTreeViewControl_ViewModel. In that event, you could check to see if your 'SelectedItem' is what changed, if so, you could re-evaluate and set the Visibility property for your add button.

Sorry, I didn't have time to give a code example. I could possibly right something up for you later if you really needed it. Hope this helps!


Commands provide automatic disabling of buttons using them when the command cannot execute. If you create a command and add handlers for it in your UserControl the external Add Button can use the command.

<local:TreeViewControl x:Name="Tree"/>
<Button Content="Add" Command="{x:Static local:TreeViewControl.AddCommand}" CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=Tree}"/>

Command creation and hookup:

public partial class TreeViewControl : UserControl
    public static RoutedCommand AddCommand { get; private set; }

    static TreeViewControl()
        AddCommand = new RoutedCommand("AddCommand", typeof(TreeViewControl));

    public TreeViewControl()

        CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AddCommand, AddExecuted, AddCanExecute));

    public void AddExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)

    public void AddCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
        e.CanExecute = false; // your logic here

If using MVVM you can use DelegateCommand or RelayCommand to do similar things from a ViewModel.

John Bowen
Thanks, exactly what I was searching for... I did find it last week though, but still...