Ok I have the following, set-up and working great. These lines of code should do a conversion from DAL Entity (Subsonic) to a ViewModel.
IList<ProductOptionModel> OptionsRetData = new List<ProductOptionModel>();
foreach (var CurProductOption in this.ProductOptions)
returnData.Options = OptionsRetData.AsEnumerable();
I'd like to convert this to a LINQ single line statment and came up with the following.
returnData.Options = this.ProductOptions.Select(o => o.ToDataModel());
and am recieving the following error.
Server Error in '/' Application.
Sequence contains no matching element
So why does the first statment work but not the LINQ and, what steps can I take to resolve it.
Stack Trace
at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable
1 source, Func
2 predicate) at SubSonic.Extensions.Database.Load[T](IDataReader rdr, T item, List1 ColumnNames) at SubSonic.Extensions.Database.ToEnumerable[T](IDataReader rdr, List
1 ColumnNames) at SubSonic.Linq.Structure.DbQueryProvider.Execute[T](QueryCommand1 query, Object[] paramValues) at lambda_method(Closure ) at SubSonic.Linq.Structure.DbQueryProvider.Execute(Expression expression) at SubSonic.Linq.Structure.Query
Maybe this is to do with subsonic?