+1  A: 

If you are going to merge a huge number of files, you want to minimize the differences reported to the barest minimum. Line-oriented diff tools report changes if the code is reformatted, or there's any change in a line.

The SD C# Smart Differencer reports differences based on source code syntax, not the physical layout of the text. It reports changes based on language elements (identifiers, expressions, statements, blocks, methods, ...) in terms of effect (insert, delete, copy, move, rename) from the point of view of the programmer. (The rename detection means it will ignore names changed consistently across a block/file).

Reporting this way tends to produce considerably smaller diffs than line-oriented diffs, thus using less of your attention.

Ira Baxter
Thank you for the info. Smart Differencer could be interesting. But What I need is metrics on the future merge to seize it. It's not important at this stage if the merge is smart or line by line.
Hmm. Well, most diff tools (including SmartDifferencer) produce an output telling you where diffs are, and you could just count the number of differences each tool reported. You'd need something like AWK or PERL to do that counting since the output is not always "neat" but it shouldn't be difficult in any sense. If you are going to count reported diffs, then *how* the diff is done will give you considerably different counts and thus different sizing.
Ira Baxter
"Computed results" and GUIs pretty much don't happen together. The command line approach (recurse across directories, run you diff tool, collect data-per-file, sum-up) is probably your best bet, and really shouldn't be much work.
Ira Baxter

Answer to my question after several days investigating:

1- Visual Studio 2008 & TFS 2008 cannot export any information.

2- After trying several tools: BeyondCompare 3 allows getting metrics from IU and easily export them. (Used File Compare Report/XML Dump filtering files instead of using Folder Compare Report.) KDiff3 allow getting some metrics using IU, but is not possible to export them.

Did not tried command line approach

NOTE: be aware that different tools have different conflict resolutions so metrics will be not 100% accurate. For example a file with 20 changes and 3 conflicts in TFS was reported as 20 changes 8 conflicts using beyond compare.
