I understand that SQLite stores dates as long integers. When I read rows using the standard method (i.e. using the query() method that reads data into a cursor), the result is a date string that includes the time:
2010-05-25 19:52:04
If I want a different format, I have to parse the string back into a date - possible, but a bit backwards.
By using a ViewBinder (as suggested in this question), I can pretty much do anything I want, but the date is already a string at the time the overridden method executes.
The accepted answer to the above question also suggests that storing dates as longs would help avoid this problem. I don't want to do that, just in case I want to interpret my data with something else than this application. Maybe I want to expose it via a provider.
To make matters worse, a DateFormat instance obtained via
cannot parse such a date string that is returned by the cursor. There is actually no static method that can do that - it is a one-way transformation, apparently an oversight.
Is there a way to handle this in the database adapter instead, i.e. controlling the date format that the cursor contains, so that I don't have to change the schema, and don't have to parse the default output back into a Date type?
The answers so far suggest that I should do the output formatting in the database. I don't want to do that for multiple reasons, most notably because I cannot format dates based on the user's locale that way (not easily, that is).