+1  A: 

as checks if it can cast it, if it can't, it sets lblSome to null. Normal casting, (Label), doesn't do that check for you, just gives you an InvalidCastException instead. However, as doesn't work with non-nullable structs.

"as only works with nullable objects, so you can't use as with structs.": Nullables *are* structs. I think you mean you can't use it with non-nullable structs. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b3h38hb0.aspx
Mark Byers
Thanks for that. Fixed.

if e.Item.FindControl("lblMyLable") returns an object that is not Label (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblMyLable") will result in InvalidCastException. while e.Item.FindControl("lblMyLable") as Label will result in null being assigned to lblSome.
