



Let's say I have 4 people. Sometimes anyone can do a task, but sometimes they are specific. I would like to group people by skill. Is there any way I can do that?

Right now, I have something like this:


SkillA=3, GuyA=1, GuyB=1, GuyC=1

Task A <= SkillA Anyone can do it

Task B <= SkillA, GuyB Only B can do it, but I also allocate the skill just to be sure I don't allocate more than 3 people at the same time.

My problem with this approach is that sometimes GuyA is on holidays, but I can't reduce SkillA from 3 to 2 in that period..

Any tips?


You've got 4 people. Take a large sheet of paper. Down one side list the skills available, across the top list the tasks. Make squares. Put a large cross in each square for which the task does not require the skill. The empty squares show the task-skill dependencies. In those boxes write the names of the people with the skills who are allocated to the task.

I don't really see what your problem is, at least what problem you expect SO to be able to help you with. If your problem is that key staff are on holiday when you need them then either:

  • fire their asses and hire someone who doesn't take holidays; or
  • adjust your plans.
High Performance Mark
hehe...Well.. I really tried to simplify my problem so it was easier to explain.The thing is I have people that can be like wildcards for some tasks.. but really specific on other... I just want to schedule considering that...I don't need a task/skill table. I already know that. I just want to automatically schedule.. and when some "special" guy is idling I want project to assign him to a generic task.
You've got 4 people (did I already mention that ?) you don't need more than a piece of paper and a pencil to manage their time and allocation to tasks. Automatic scheduling would be gold-plating.
High Performance Mark
It is much more complex than that... I am just simplifying the problem for you. I would do it on paper if I could.. My post says "let's say" I have 4 people.... I am just trying to set a case here.