



I defined an afterLogoutUrl in my SecurityConfig.groovy. This url is to /logout/back; i put a back method in the LogoutController provided by acegi which redirects to the URL of another app (the other app is the "gatekeeper" app in our space). even though I have the rule


in my SecurityConfig, I still see

FilterChainProxy - Converted URL to lowercase, from: '/logout/back'; to: '/logout/back'
FilterChainProxy - Candidate is: '/logout/back'; pattern is /**; matched=true

in the acegi logs. This causes the user to be logged back in. Later I see

DefaultFilterInvocationDefinitionSource - Converted URL to lowercase, from: '/logout/back';
      to: '/logout/back'
DefaultFilterInvocationDefinitionSource - Candidate is: '/logout/back'; pattern is /; 
DefaultFilterInvocationDefinitionSource - Candidate is: '/logout/back'; pattern is 
      /login/cookie; matched=false
DefaultFilterInvocationDefinitionSource - Candidate is: '/logout/back'; pattern is 
      /login/auth; matched=false
DefaultFilterInvocationDefinitionSource - Candidate is: '/logout/back'; pattern is 
      /logout/back; matched=true
AbstractSecurityInterceptor - Secure object: FilterInvocation: URL: /logout/back; 

so it appears that /logout/back is being hit twice, the first time matching against / and the second matching correctly.

Thanx What am I doing wrong?