Hello, I'm using jquery to animate a bit my web site, but I'm having a little issue with some behaviour:
I have a div, which suddenly appears from the top of the page and shakes:
marginTop: '+=' + (240) + 'px'
}, 1000);
This mini popup has an X for closing it, or else, it will auto close after a few seconds:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
$('#closePopup').click(function() {
Everything works, except that, if the user clicks the CLOSE button, he sees the explode effect and the popup effectively dissapears, but after the 10 seconds pass (the one I defined under the setTimeout), the user again sees the popup explosion (just the effect, cause the popup is not there visually). How could I avoid that "ghost" explosion if the user already closed the popup manually?
Thanks in advance.