I'm trying to add some simple statements to a Sesame repository, like so:
RepositoryConnection connection = repository.connection
connection.autoCommit = false
try {
ValueFactory vf = repository.getValueFactory()
def dummyS = vf.createURI("http://some/uri")
def dummyP = vf.createURI("http://some/uri/hasItem")
uris?.each { uri ->
connection.add(listS, listP, vf.createURI(uri))
def stmts = connection.getStatements(listS, null, null, true) ...
This works great when executed against a local SailRepository using NativeStore. But when hooking this up to an HTTPRepository hosted on a different server, the 'add' appears to fail silently. No exception is thrown, but the returned stmts is empty.
Anybody have any ideas what could be causing this? Thanks in advance!