



HI! All I am quite new to QCodo and SqlServer too. QCodo Code Generation works fine for MySQL It also works with General SqlServer Tables (However I got errors with Tables that doesn't have a PK) But I've faced the Following Error from the Code generator While Connecting to a Database that is being used for an Website.

error: MS SQL Server Error: Unsupported Field Type: sysname

actually I am coding a segment of a website in PHP. I dont know much about SqlServer. But Still I noticed some auto generated (?? I am not Sure) Tables in the database starting with asp The asp Guy told me that is for ASP's Membership Controll. and These tables are handled automatically by the syetem itself.

obviously I dont need those tables in my part of application. but QCode's Code generator is trying to access them too (?? am I wrong)

So Whats the Solution ??

i) How can I mention which tables to read and which one not ii) Is there minor Changes or tricks can make QCodo Codo generator grab those system tables too