




I am trying to workup an automated tool for SharePoint interaction through a Powershell script. Am running into a SharePoint.dll not found issue and upon looking it up(including previous posts in StackOverflow), it seems its available in the server. I do not have access to a Sharepoint installation at the moment. Is there some place I could download it or if any one had access to a copy can it be shared?

Thanks Barun

+4  A: 

No, you cannot download it from any 3rd party sites. It is not licensed that way. If you own a copy of Windows Server (2003 or 2008), you will be able to download WSS 3.0 from Microsoft's public download location. From this, you can get Microsoft.SharePoint.dll.


@Oisin - Thanks for the info. I will try to look into the option of getting a SharePoint server access? Does it install on any virtual machines that have Windows Server?
SharePoint 2007 installs fine on any VM running Server 2003/2008. SharePoint 2010 requires Server 2008, but also runs fine on a VM.
+1  A: 

Microsoft.SharePoint.dll itself epends on lots of other DLL's and a Database underneath SharePoint. You must have SharePoint to test against it.

But just yesterday I ran on some stuff called SharePoint testing using Typemock isolator. What it does is it fakes SharePoint objects without needing all that database and other stuff. There is a nice presentation available. Havent tried myself, but maybe that leads you on the path. See if it helps you.

Janis Veinbergs
Thanks certainly looks like a good implementation and a very good presentation explaining it but seems its proprietary which may be a catch...will follow it up nevertheless...had at least some newer concepts related to mocking :)
+1  A: 

Just to clarify - a copy of Microsoft.SharePoint.dll will allow you to reference and compile against it but it won't actually work unless its running on a machine with SharePoint properly installed.

A few options for you.

You can download, for free Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 - but it needs to run on a Windows Server OS (2003+).

You can download (for free again) Windows Server 2010 Foundation and get it running on Windows 7 64bit client OS for a development environment.

You can download a 30 day trial of MOSS on a preconfigured VHD - basically a complete pre-configured virtual server - but you need Hyper-V or VMWare Server running on a 64 bit CPU to run this virtual server.

There is a hack to get WSS running on Vista - but its unsupported and the licensing/legal situation is unclear - very probably its in breach.

You could use SharePoint's web services then you won't need the dll or access to the SharePoint server apart through the web services - which assuming you can browse it you should be able to get.

Thanks a lot Ryan for the options. I am considering SharePoint Web services at the moment and it looks good. Will also try out the VM option. What eludes me here is if I was building a client for SQL server I get drivers etc separately. But for SharePoint server why does a developer building a client needs to have access to the "Server Installation"?Like I don't not need to know the installation details for SQL Server 2005 if I am building a client against it nor do I need to use any files from the server setup? Am I coming across as very stupid here or is there a little bit of sense in it?
That is true - up to a point. But try writing anything non trivial with just drivers and not being able to actually test against a SQL server database. Don't fight the force young Jedi - its just the way it is! ;)
Just thought we may be talking at x-purposes a little. Databases ('real' ones anyway) are designed to be connected to across a network using drivers. SharePoint's object model just isnt - if you need access from a different machine you're only choice is through its web services.
Hmm...think I got the source of the confusion, because I actually am working on a tool which would "remotely" upload )