If you form's structured so that all the fields are numbered properly, so that a "firstname #1" is matched up with all the other "#1" numbered fields, then a loop is the simplest solution.
$errors = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) {
if (... all $i fields are properly filled in ...) {
$field = $_POST["field$i"];
$otherfield = $_POST["otherfield$i"];
... insert into database ...
} else {
... handle error condition here
$errors = true;
if (!$errors) {
} else {
If they're numbered randomly, so that firstname1 is matched with lastname42 and address3.1415927, then you'd have to build a lookup table to map all the random namings together, and loop over that
followup per comment:
well, if you absolutely insist on maintaining this database structure, where each row contains 16 sets of repeated firstname/lastname/etc.. records, then you'd do something like this:
$first = true;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) {
if (fields at position $i are valid) {
$firstname = mysql_escape_real_string($_POST["F{$i}name"]);
$lastname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["F{$i}lastname"]);
if ($first) {
$dbh->query("INSERT INTO table (f{$i}name, f{$i}lastname) VALUES ($firstname, $lastname);"
$recordID = $dbh->query("SELECT last_insert_id();");
$first = false;
} else {
$dbh->query("UPDATE table SET f{$i}name=$firstname, f{$i}lastname=$lastname WHERE idfield=$recordID");
It's ugly, but basically:
- loop through the form field sets until you find a valid set (all required fields filled in, valid data entered, etc..
- Insert that data set into the database to create the new record
- retrieve ID of that new record
- continue looping over the rest of the fields
- for every subsequent set of valid records, do an update of the previously created record and add in the new fieldset data.
Though, honestly, unless you've got some highly offbeat design need to maintain a single table with 16 sets of repeated columns, you'd be better off normalizing a bit, and maintain two seperate tables. A parent "enrollment" table, and a child "members" table. That way you can create the parent enrollment table, then just insert new children as you encounter them in the form.
update #2:
well, a simplified form of a normalized layout would be:
signups (id, name, etc...)
signup_members (id, signup_id, firstname, lastname)
and you'd pull the full signup record set with the following query:
SELECT signups.id, signups.name, signup_members.id, firstname, lastname
FROM signups
LEFT JOIN signup_members ON signups.id = signup_members.signup_id
That would give you a series of rows, one for each 'member' signup. To build the CSV, a simple loop with some state checking to see if you've reached a new signup yet:
$oldid = null;
$csv = ... put column headers here if you want ...
while ($signup = $result->fetchrow()) {
if ($signup['signups.id'] != $oldid) {
// current signup doesn't match previous seen id, so got a new signup record
$csv .= "\n"; // start new line in CSV
$csv .= ... add first few columns to new csv row ...
$oldid = $signup['signups.id']; // store new record id
} else {
$csv .= ... add extra member columns to current csv row ...