



Based on the properties of the keydown event I would like to ascertain what the current charCode are?


For the keydown event when the NumPad0, D0, and Colon key is pressed I would like to know what the associated charcode is. Currently I have a map that contains the charcode associated with that keyCode or use the current if charCode is not specified.

keyCode = {
  Colon: 186,
  D0: 48,
  NumPad0: 96,
charCodes = {
  186: 59,
  96: 48,
shiftCharCodes = {
  186: 58,
  48: 41

Also in certain cases the keyCodes are different accross browsers?


The keydown event has different keyCode values across browsers. Colon Key (:/;) - keyCode is 59 on firefox - keyCode is 186 on IE/safari

For more information


Although I generally loath answers like the one I am about to give, I feel it is appropriate:

This is a perfect use case for a library like jQuery, Prototype, Dojo or MooTools.

You don't want to burden yourself with this work, it has already been done.

Sky Sanders
Not really - jQuery for one doesn't really concern itself with identifying keys.
Tim Down
@Tim - ok, let me be specific - so the hotkeys plugin which is *exquisite*.
Sky Sanders
I almost feel like we need a shorthand for the loathing-but-appropriate-here case.
code poet: The hotkeys plugin looks fine for identifying keys. Once you get to things like preventing default behaviour and the different events browsers fire for repeated keypresses, you're going to need a bigger abstraction.
Tim Down

If you're interested in the character code associated with a keypress, you're going to get nowhere with the keydown event. The keypress event is the only place this information is available, and is not too problematic for most printable keys.

document.onkeypress = function(evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    var charCode = evt.which || evt.keyCode;
    alert("Character: " + String.fromCharCode(charCode));

There are differences between browser behaviour around "special" non-printable keypresses such as function keys. For more information I consider this article by Jan Wolter to be the definitive reference for JavaScript key handling.

Tim Down
I too have spent much time referencing Jan's treatise on the current state of js key handling. And came to the same conclusion that he does: It is a nightmare. That is where a tightly focused and finely crafted javascript abstraction shines.
Sky Sanders
It's a complicated and maybe impossible job to create a complete abstraction that will fully handle thorny problems like preventing default behaviour and handling auto-repeated key events. I tend to write only as much of an abstraction as I need for the current task.
Tim Down
++ for YAGNI. we are agreed.
Sky Sanders