When a page with theme is rendered, the stylesheets link tags in the given theme are rendered right before the closing head tag. Does anyone know of a way to change that? Is there a way that I could have those tags be placed right after the opening head tag?
I know it can be down with jquery by just selecting all the link tags and placing it right after the opening head tag, but is there a way to set it on the server end?
Clarification Let us say I have a single css file (themed.css) in my theme. In that css file, I have a single style definition for a div tag with an id of test:
#test {background-color:red; color:white;}
Let us also say I have a second css file (standard.css) that is NOT in my theme, but it has another definition of the div tag with an id of test:
#test {background-color:yellow;}
I have my page to use the theme, and I have a handwritten link tag to use standard.css. When the page is executed, the link tag for standard.css is before themed.css. When that happens my div tag with id of test has a red background and white forecolor. If I want the themed.css to apply and then standard.css to overwrite the necessary properties (yellow background with white forecolor), I would want themed.css and THEN standard.css. I can't do that because ASP.NET places the theme files right before the closing head tag.
I don't want to have to know that my theme's css files are the nth link tag in my head tag and then manual change any index whenever i may add a new css file outside of my theme.