



I'm stuck in a rut. I hope some one can help.

Basically, I am building an AJAX mobile web app with jQuery. I am able to parse a specific XML file just fine, but I want the option to parse other XML files based on the link they were clicked on and load them on the fly into the same DIV or UL.


click on Link1, loads XML1
click on Link2, loads XML2

I would like to be able to do this all client side, so no PHP (or is that a bad idea?). This the jquery code I've been using:

$(document).ready(function() {          


        function loadAjax() {
            var fileID = get('?lineID=');

            var dataID = "xml/" + fileID + ".xml"

                type: "GET",
                url: dataID,
                dataType: "xml",
                success: parseXml

            function parseXml(xml) {
                $(xml).find("train").each(function() {
                    $("ul#ajax-output").append('<li>' + $(this).find("time").text() + '</li>');


Its just not working at all. I have been passing the variable using GET in the url. So the link in the HTML goes to /?lineID=SBD_to_Union and it should load the XML file called SBD_to_Union.xml

Making sense to anyone? I'd appreciate some help.

+1  A: 

What you seem to be struggling with is obtaining the line from the url in the anchor. Use $(this) to get the href attribute of the clicked link. You could then use a regex, if the url is as described, to remove all but the line id to use in constructing the link for the XML. I presume that the XML is server side and relative to the current url. If not, then you'll need to adjust the path. I've taken the liberty to compress things a bit by putting the functions inline. Edit: and the click handler should return false to prevent the link from actually performing its default action.

$(function() {          

    $("a.load_ajax").click( function() {
        var fileID = $(this).attr('href').replace(/.*?lineID=/,'');

        var dataID = "xml/" + fileID + ".xml"

            type: "GET",
            url: dataID,
            dataType: "xml",
            success:  function(xml) {
                $(xml).find("train").each(function() {
                    $("ul#ajax-output").append('<li>' + $(this).find("time").text() + '</li>');
        return false;
This did it, thanks a lot!!!
<a href="#" id="link1" class="load_ajax">Link1</a>
<a href="#" id="link2" class="load_ajax">Link2</a>

You can do things depending on the id of the href (or another of its attributes or its href value).

$(function() {

function loadAjax()
  if ($(this).attr("id") == "link1")
    alert("link1"); //load xml1
    alert("link2"); //load xml2
... and if you have 50 links ?
there aren't 50 links, only 2 in this example so why write a 50 links solution?
I think Gaby's point was that this is not really scalable...
because his question includes an example, and not the actual html of his page..
True, well I was just trying to give Scott some ideas. The rejex answer would be scalable in any case.
@Gaby @bobsoap @CRice, Before my computer dies out, this is a link to how real men solve the aforementioned problem of scalability -
:) you have far too much spare time.
@anurag .. lolol... too much free time :p
Lol. You put a javascript in a javascript so you can javascript while you javascript.
+1  A: 

Have you checked if the get function returns the correct data ?

add an alert(fileID); right after the get(..); line..

But why don't you create the urls to point directly to the xml files instead of parsing and creating urls on the fly ?

just make the link in the html to point to xml/SBD_to_Union.xml

If javascript is turned off, the URL might load a different page with the correct data. That was my assumption anyway.
Because I want to be able to use other XML files later on with the project, not just this one.
@Scott - I think he's suggesting that the link href **be** an XML path that can be used directly.
@scott, i just used your example.. i mean that instead of making each link point to `?lineID=somexmlforthislink` make it link directly to `xml/somexmlforthislink.xml`
+1  A: 

On first glance, I think your ajax() syntax is a little off.

Are you using query strings for a particular reason? If no, I'd try giving the HTML links the absolute URL to the XML file you are trying to fetch:

<a href="xml/file123.xml"></a>

Then try this:

$("a.load_ajax").click(function(e) {
 var url = $(this).attr('href');

                type: 'GET',
                url: url,
                dataType: 'xml',
                success: function(response) {
                    $(response).find('train').each(function() {
                        $('ul#ajax-output').append('<li>' + $(this).find('time').text() + '</li>');


I haven't tested this, but it should do what you want.
