


+2  Q: 

WPF Books in 2010

I'm looking to learn WPF, and I'd like to get a book to help in the process. Most of the popular questions on SO regarding actual books are from 2008, and I wanted to see if recommendations for books had changed at all.

WPF Unleashed, which seems to be the most popular recommendation, was published in 2006, which is quite a while ago, with the lightening-quick pace that Microsoft has been following with .NET. Does this book still work?

For some background, I'm a web developer (using MVC, so MVVM makes sense to me conceptually), looking to make the jump to desktop development. I did C# a while ago, but I'll be picking up a separate C# book to get up to speed on that. I am not interested in Silverlight.

I am not necessarily interested in flashy UIs right now, as I'm working on business software but what I am interested in is good, clean, intuitive user interfaces.



For me the WPF book reference is "Pro WPF 2010 in C# 2010"

There is a VB.NET 2010 version too :

ebook available on APress web site.




What do you want to do with Wpf? If you looking for step by step learning all book from famous publisher`s are great(like SAMS, Apress , Wrox ,...)

otherwise I read these books:
1) Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (WPF) (Unleashed) - [Sams] (one of my favorite) 2) Pro WPF in C# 2008, Windows Presentation Foundation with.NET 3.5, Second Edition [apress]
3) MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-502) - Microsoft.NET Framework - Windows Presentation Foundation (2009)
Also if u want to learn about how develop new controls with WPF you should see this WPF Control Development Unleashed Sep2009[Sams] (also can download codes from

OR learning about MVVM and WPF u can see

yeah Tim right.I don`t read that book. but if "Adma Nathan" wrote any book we should read that
+2  A: 

Adam Nathan is releasing a follow-on WPF 4 Unleashed to his excellent original. While much of the content in the original is still valid, it's only good up through WPF 3.0, missing the new features added in 3.5 and 3.5sp1. I've also read good reviews for Illustrated WPF for newcomers, though I haven't personally read it (just added it to my O'Reilly Safari bookshelf, though).

Tim Trout