Possible Duplicate:
SQL exclude a column using SELECT * [except columnA] FROM tableA?
Is it possible to exclude a column from a select * from table
statement with SQL Server?
I have a need for this and this is my only option other than parsing a raw SQL string to get out the required field names (I really don't want to do that).
Just to be bold. When the query is made I do not have access to the list of fields needed from the table but I do know which field I do not need. This is part of a complex multi-part query.
Surely there must be some way even if it's "hackish" such as using table variables or views
My other option is to reorder the columns. My problem is with ExecuteScalar
SQL functions which get the first row and first column.
I can't add an answer since this is now closed but the way I ended up doing it was like so:
;with results_cte as (
select (calculation) as calculated_column, * from table
select * into #temptable from results_cte
where calculated_column<10 /*or whatever*/
alter table #temptable
drop column calculated_column
select * from #temptable
drop table #temptable