I wrote a function in C that converts a string to an integer and returns the integer. When I call the function I also want it to let me know if the string is not a valid number. In the past I returned -1 when this error occurred, because I didn't need to convert strings to negative numbers. But now I want it to convert strings to negative numbers, so what is the best way to report the error?
In case I wasn't clear about this: I don't want this function to report the error to the user, I want it to report the error to the code that called the function. ("Report" might be the wrong word to use...)
Here's the code:
s32 intval(const char *string) {
bool negative = false;
u32 current_char = 0;
if (string[0] == '-') {
negative = true;
current_char = 1;
s32 num = 0;
while (string[current_char]) {
if (string[current_char] < '0' || string[current_char] > '9') {
// Return an error here.. but how?
num *= 10;
num += string[current_char] - '0';
if (negative) {
num = -num;
return num;