



I am going to write a C# WinForms application which will run a long data-crunching task in a BackgroundWorker, show progress in a ProgressBar and have buttons to start, pause, resume and cancel the operation. I'd like to write the calculation in F#. Do you know of any good examples or readings available in the Web which can help me?

+4  A: 

Luke Hoban in F# team has a video at PDC 2009. There is a concurrent image downloader using asynchronous programming, which does not block GUI thread. This example also illustrates how to use C#(GUI) to call F# module(the image downloader).

The example is at the second half of the video.

Yin Zhu
+2  A: 

You might also find this article helpful.

Edit: I realize the article I'm pointing at is all F# (not really using interop) but it does demonstrate parallel programming with F# so it does seem appropriate to the question.

Onorio Catenacci