i have a table
mid muid actor_name movie_list(varchar)
18 act_6 tom hanks mov_18,mov_19,mov_2,mov_22,mov_23
21 act_9 jhonny depp mov_1,mov_10,mov_20,mov_22,mov_3,mov_9
28 act_16 bruce willis mov_18,mov_19,mov_2,mov_22,mov_23
29 act_19 jhon trovolta mov_1,mov_10,mov_20,mov_22,mov_3,mov_9
now i want to dispplay only those actor_name
and muid
which have mov_1
( which comes from php) in their movie_list
if i use EXIST
then it show error, my query is written below
`SELECT muid,actor_name FROM table_movie WHERE $movieID EXIST( movie_list)`
i also tried with RLIKE
but no results!:(
please tell me how to search a single word from a varchar field
my table engine is INNODB so fultext search concept also fails