



I'm trying to make a form that handles the checking of a domain: the form should fail based on a variable that was set earlier in another form.

Basically, when a user wants to create a new domain, this form should fail if the entered domain exists.

When a user wants to move a domain, this form should fail if the entered domain doesn't exist.

I've tried making it dynamic overload the initbut couldn't see a way to get my passed variabele to the clean function.

I've read that this dynamic validation can be accomplished using a factory method, but maybe someone can help me on my way with this?

Here's a simplified version of the form so far:

#OrderFormStep1 presents the user with a choice: create or move domain

class OrderFormStep2(forms.Form):

    domain = forms.CharField() 
    extension = forms.CharField() 

    def clean(self):
       cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
       domain = cleaned_data.get("domain")
       extension = cleaned_data.get("extension")

       if domain and extension:

       code = whoislookup(domain+extension);

       #Raise error based on result from OrderFormStep1
       #raise forms.ValidationError('error, domain already exists')
     #raise forms.ValidationError('error, domain does not exist')

       return cleaned_data


Do you have a model that stores the domains? If so, you want to use a ModelForm and set unique=True on whichever field stores the actual domain in the model. As of Django 1.2, you can even do any additional validation inside the model, rather than the form.

No, there's no model behind it, relies purely on user input and a whois check(server request to third party). I could fix this outside the scope of the form easily, but it seems neater to be able to trigger errors from the form itself..
No, if you don't have a model, there's no need to introduce one just for this. Just a bad assumption on my part.

Overriding the __init__ is the way to go. In that method, you can simply set your value to an instance variable.

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.myvalue = kwargs.pop('myvalue')
    super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Now self.myvalue is available in any form method.

Daniel Roseman