



How do you calculate the determinant of an NxN matrix C# ?

+3  A: 

Reduce to upper triangular form, then make a nested loop where you multiply all the values at position i == j together. There you have it.

It doesn't even need to be a nested loop, because if you're doing it for positions (i, j) where i == j you can just do it for all positions (i, i).
Good point, +1.
The result you calculate may be the negative of the determinant. You need to take the product of the primary diagonal and then multiply by (-1)^[number of row swaps used to get to upper triangular form]
Another good point. Man its been too long since college. :)
+9  A: 

5 minutes ago ?...nope not a clue...didn't even know a matrix could have a determinant. Didn't even know the word determinant existed.

Now ?..Absolutely...just wrote some test like a charm.

My method ?...Sure babe....Here ya go..served up on a silver platter.

[1] Google search for say: c# matrix determinant

[2] Pick say ~10 sites that are not obvious chaff.

[3] Have a quick look at the source code on the site...pick some code that is well structured and has plenty of comments.

[4] Pop it into visual studio..write some quciky code that excises the algorithm.

[5] Check a few of the results by hand. If they fail goto step 3.

[6] Run through the code until you understand how it works.

And there you go..How to calculate an n x n matrix determinant in 6 pain free steps.

Determinants Galore.

Can I get you another cocktail ?


The OP posted another question asking specifically about 4x4 matrices, which has been closed as an exact duplicate of this question. Well, if you're not looking for a general solution but instead are constrained to 4x4 matrices alone, then you can use this ugly looking but tried-and-true code:

public double GetDeterminant() {
    var m = _values;
         m[12] * m[9]  * m[6]  * m[3]   -  m[8] * m[13] * m[6]  * m[3]   -
         m[12] * m[5]  * m[10] * m[3]   +  m[4] * m[13] * m[10] * m[3]   +
         m[8]  * m[5]  * m[14] * m[3]   -  m[4] * m[9]  * m[14] * m[3]   -
         m[12] * m[9]  * m[2]  * m[7]   +  m[8] * m[13] * m[2]  * m[7]   +
         m[12] * m[1]  * m[10] * m[7]   -  m[0] * m[13] * m[10] * m[7]   -
         m[8]  * m[1]  * m[14] * m[7]   +  m[0] * m[9]  * m[14] * m[7]   +
         m[12] * m[5]  * m[2]  * m[11]  -  m[4] * m[13] * m[2]  * m[11]  -
         m[12] * m[1]  * m[6]  * m[11]  +  m[0] * m[13] * m[6]  * m[11]  +
         m[4]  * m[1]  * m[14] * m[11]  -  m[0] * m[5]  * m[14] * m[11]  -
         m[8]  * m[5]  * m[2]  * m[15]  +  m[4] * m[9]  * m[2]  * m[15]  +
         m[8]  * m[1]  * m[6]  * m[15]  -  m[0] * m[9]  * m[6]  * m[15]  -
         m[4]  * m[1]  * m[10] * m[15]  +  m[0] * m[5]  * m[10] * m[15];

It assumes you store your vector data in a 16-element array called _values (of double in this case, but float would work too), in the following order:

0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15
Drew Noakes

The standard method is LU decomposition. You may want to use a library instead of coding it yourself. I don't know about C#, but the 40-year standard is LAPACK.

Alexandre C.