



Is there a way to get a listing of control panel categories on Windows Vista and Windows 7 using the shell?

Is there a way to determine which category an applet is assigned to using conical Names using the shell?

such as Microsoft.Mouse is in which category?

I have some code that works nicely to display control panel applet names obtained from the shell in a TListView in a Vista Classic ungrouped list.

I'd like to try to group the applet names in the TListView similar to Control Panel Classic Grouped by Category in Vista.



Why not hardcode them? I noticed that custom applets are placed in "Others" or something like that group, so you need to worry only about standard ones.


According to MSDN, you could read the System.ControlPanel.Category value for standalone executables and (on Vista and later) subkeys of the Extended Properties key for DLL items from the registry:

Registering Control Panel Items

Assigning Control Panel Categories
