Hello, here is my problem:
We own SiteA and SiteB and they share the same server and database where we have full control. SiteC , siteD and siteE are some of the sites we own as well but reside on a different web hosts.
The goal is to create a unified search functionality for all of the sites mentioned above. That is if somebody search for a term in SiteA, the search result will automatically come up with results from SiteB,SiteC,SiteD and Site E too. The search results should be shown under the website they were found in.
All these websites content are stored in their own databases.
If I use SphinxSearch to index the above sites,I would then require those sites that we dont have complete control with to setup a web service where i can download a database dump or csv file for indexing.
Im not quite sure about how a sphider will come into play here so need your opinion.
Sphinx or a spider?