



Any good book where i can learn about serialization and file IO in c# extensively?

+1  A: 

Just to add... serialization is a complex topic; if you are considering doing your own serialziation (and anything more than the most trivial examples), then I would strongly suggest that you look at pre-canned options - either in the framework itself, or 3rd-party libraries.

For framework; I would look at MSDN; XmlSerializer or DataContractSerializer.

For 3rd party libraries (not books) I would look at protobuf-net or Json.NET (bias: I'm the author of the first of these; but it is free etc).

Also; if you search for C# and serialization you'll get a lot of hits for BinaryFormatter - while this will work, there are a lot of issues with versioning, assembly partitioning, field refactoring, etc that don't make this an attractive version long term.

Marc Gravell