



Let's start with the following snippet:

Foreach(Record item in RecordList){
  item = UpdateRecord(item, 5);

The UpdateRecode function changes some field of item and returns the altered object. In this case the compiler throws an exception saying that the item can not be updated in a foreach iteration.

Now the UpdateRecord method is changed so that it returns void and the snippet would look like this:

Foreach(Record item in RecordList){
  UpdateRecord(item, 5);

In this case the item would be updated because Record is a reference type. But it makes the code unreadable.

The project I'm working on has lots of foreach-loops with the almost the same code over and over, so I would like to create methods that update parts of the records. Is there a nice way to do this? One that make the code more readable instead of trashing it further more?

+1  A: 

If you need to update a collection, don't use an iterator pattern, like you said, its either error prone, or smells bad.

I find that using a for loop with an index a bit clearer in this situation, as its very obvious what you are trying to do that way.

Thanks, I think it's the only right way to go in my situation.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with using an iterator pattern to update the items in a collection. You don't want to add or remove items from the collection while iterating, and that's what the compiler is complaining about.
Robert Rossney

Do you need to update the same list? Could you return a new (updated) enumeration instead?

foreach(Record item in RecordList){
  yield return GetUpdatedRecord(item, 5);
Cristian Libardo
Thank you for your comment. In my case yield isn't an option. But I shall keep it in mind, it could be usefull...
+1  A: 

The compiler is complaining that you can't update the collection, not the record. By doing item = UpdateRecord, you are reassigning the iterator variable item.

I disagree that UpdateRecord(item, 5) is in any way unreadable - but if it makes you feel better, an extension method may make it more clear that you are changing the contents of item.

static void Update(this Record item, int value) {
   // do logic

foreach (Record item in RecordList) {
Mark Brackett