Hello, does anyone knows a file format for configuration files easy to read by humans? I want to have something like tag = value where value may be:
- String
- Number(int or float)
- Boolean(true/false)
- Array(of String values, Number values, Boolean values)
- Another structure(it will be more clear what I mean in the fallowing example)
Now I use something like this:
- IntTag=1
- FloatTag=1.1
- StringTag="a string"
- BoolTag=true
- ArrayTag1=[1 2 3]
- ArrayTag2=[1.1 2.1 3.1]
- ArrayTag3=["str1" "str2" "str3"]
- StructTag=
- {
- NestedTag1=1
- NestedTag2="str1"
- }
and so on.
Parsing is easy but for large files I find it hard to read/edit in text editors. I don't like xml for the same reason, it's hard to read. INI does not support nesting and I want to be able to nest tags. I also don't want a complicated format because I will use limited kind of values as I mentioned above.
Thanks for any help.