




WinForms (.NET 2) question:

Is there a way to keep elements at a proportional distance when the parent form(or panel) is resized?

Could I use Graphics.TransformPoints or Graphics.TransformVectors for this scope? How. alt text

TableLayoutPanel will not work because superposed elements should be accepted.

This is my code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        List<Point> points;
        List<Point> shapePoints;
        Matrix m;
        float dx, dy;

        public Form1()

            points = new List<Point>();
            shapePoints = new List<Point>();
            foreach (Control c in this.Controls)

            foreach (Shape s in this.shapeContainer1.Shapes)
                if (s is SimpleShape)
                    shapePoints.Add((s as SimpleShape).Location);
                else if (s is LineShape)
                    shapePoints.Add((s as LineShape).StartPoint);

            m = new Matrix();
            dx = this.Width;
            dy = this.Height;

            // this code will allow(?) do not move this control
            this.shapeContainer1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

        protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
            dx = this.Width / dx;
            dy = this.Height / dy;
            ApplyScale(dx, dy);

            dx = this.Width;
            dy = this.Height;


        private void ApplyScale(float dx, float dy)
            m.Scale(dx, dy);

            Point[] locations = points.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++)
                this.Controls[i].Location = locations[i];

            Point[] shapeLocations = shapePoints.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.shapeContainer1.Shapes.Count; i++)
                SimpleShape ss = this.shapeContainer1.Shapes.get_Item(i) 
                                                             as SimpleShape;
                if (ss != null)
                    ss.Location = locations[i];

                LineShape ls = this.shapeContainer1.Shapes.get_Item(i) 
                                                             as LineShape;
                if (ls != null)
                    ls.StartPoint = locations[i];
                    ls.Scale(new SizeF(dx, dy));

This is what I get:

alt text


Put a docked (or anchored) Table Layout Panel on your form, and set all its columns/rows to be percentage sized.

You can then dock your controls in the cells and the cells will maintain proportion as the table layout is resized.


For superposed elements, could you not increase the number of columns/rows in your TLP to accommodate?

If reduce the number of columns/rows and then add sub TLPs to the cells that require more positioning?

I have here element per cell restrictions. What if I have (half) superposed elements? See updated image.
if you don't have other ideas, please remove your answer, the question will be unanswered, so more frequented :) thanks
With TLP you just can't have superposed elements. You just can't reproduce the first image.
+1  A: 

This seems to work: In form load, I store the %-left and %-top for each control I want to resize. I store it in the Tag-property for easy access. Then in the form-resize event, I just calculate the new %-left and %-top for each control and position them out.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
        c.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
        c.Tag = CInt((100 / Me.Width) * c.Left).ToString & "|" & CInt((100 / Me.Height) * c.Top).ToString
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
    For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
        c.Location = New Point((Me.Width / 100) * CInt(Split(c.Tag, "|")(0)), (Me.Height / 100) * CInt(Split(c.Tag, "|")(1)))
End Sub


alt text

After form resize: alt text

(The size of the elements has not changed, its only looks that way because of how I copyed them and saved them as pictures...)
I suppose this should be a performance leak when the form contains multiple controls say > 50.
If you are talking about hundreds of controls, then I would draw them as graphics in the paint-event instead and not moving around controls. Its pretty easy to implement eather way.
Please a) accept the answer as correct. b) give reason why not, so I can correct or withdraw my answer. If you have questions about performance, then put them in the question, and Ill modify my answer from the new criteria.
drawing a control? hm. First of all, I have, between others, TextBoxes, and secondly, even my rectangles(circles) should reply to events like Click, have tooltips, etc. As about make this as answer... maybe, but I'll wait (a moment) for a alternative, if it does not appear, I'll do it.
remark that you could use a structure like Point or Size instead split strings.
serhio, Sure, but my code was just a quick proof of concept, not production code.