I would like to know how to get the name of the property that a method parameter value came from. The code snippet below shows what I want to do:
Person peep = new Person();
Dictionary<object, string> mapping = new Dictionary<object, string>();
mapping[peep.FirstName] = "Name";
Dictionary<string, string> propertyToStringMapping = Convert(mapping);
if (mapping[peep.FirstName] == propertyToStringMapping["FirstName"])
Console.WriteLine("This is my desired result");
private Dictionary<string, string> Convert(Dictionary<object, string> mapping)
Dictionary<string, string> stringMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, string> kvp in mapping)
//propertyName should eqal "FirstName"
string propertyName = kvp.Key??????
stringMapping[propertyName] = kvp.Value;
return stringMapping;