



Which one better in performance and scalability ,Oracle 11g or SQL SERVER 2008


The Oracle people will tell you that Oracle is better and the SQL Server people will tell you that SQL Server is better...who will you believe now?

any third party expert
andrew Sullivan
Dammit, you should believe SQL Server people!
Dave Markle
+1  A: 

They're both excellent. How they perform and scale is dependent upon the following (in this order)

  1. The quality of the database design your developers create, including indexes.
  2. The quality of the queries your developers create.
  3. The quality and configuration of your hardware
  4. The database platform you choose.

Why? Mostly because Oracle and SQL Server use the same concepts and indexing structures underneath the hood, because they're based on the same underlying computer science.

Dave Markle

Oracle Vs MSSQL

Chathuranga Chandrasekara
-1 because web site refers to the entire MSSQL suite against only the Oracle 11g database. Oracle has an entire "development" suite and tons of add-on products too. In fact, Oracle probably has more add-ons and features in comparison to MSSQL (E Business Suites, embedded Java to replace PL/SQL in the database, a J2EE server, etc). I'm not saying that add-ons are always beneficial, but it's obvious this site's comparison is false.
Edwin Buck

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