i have some text boxs in a page and in the same page there will be a table 'grid' like for holding the search result.
When the user start editing and of the textbox above, the search must start by sending all textboxs values to the server 'ajax', and get back with the results to fill the below grid.
This grid should support paging, sorting by clicking on headers and it will contains some controls beside the results such as checkboxs for boolean values and links for opening details in another page.
I know many ways to do this some of them are:
1- updatepanel around all of these controls and thats it "fast dirty solution"
2- send the search criteria using ajax request using JQuery post function for example and get back the JSON result, and using a template will draw the grid "clean but will take time to finish and will be harder to edit later".
3- ....
My question is:
What do you think will be the best choice to implement this scenario? because i face this scenario too much, and want to know which implementation will be better regarding performance, optimization, and time to finish.
I just want to know your thoughts about this issue.