I have two arrays. I need to check and see if the elements of one appear in the other one.
Is there a more efficient way to do it than nested loops? I have a few thousand elements in each and need to run the program frequently.
I have two arrays. I need to check and see if the elements of one appear in the other one.
Is there a more efficient way to do it than nested loops? I have a few thousand elements in each and need to run the program frequently.
to the rescue:
How do I compute the difference of two arrays? How do I compute the intersection of two arrays?
Use a hash. Here's code to do both and more. It assumes that each element is unique in a given array:
@union = @intersection = @difference = ();
%count = ();
foreach $element (@array1, @array2) { $count{$element}++ }
foreach $element (keys %count) {
push @union, $element;
push @{ $count{$element} > 1 ? \@intersection : \@difference }, $element;
You need to provide a lot more context. There are more efficient ways of doing that ranging from:
Go outside of Perl and use shell (sort
+ comm
one array into a Perl hash and then loop over the other one checking hash membership. This has linear complexity ("M+N" - basically loop over each array once) as opposed to nested loop which has "M*N" complexity)
my %second = map {$_=>1} @second;
my @only_in_first = grep { !$second{$_} } @first;
# use a foreach loop with `last` instead of "grep"
# if you only want yes/no answer instead of full list
Use a Perl module that does the last bullet point for you (List::Compare was mentioned in comments)
Do it based on timestamps of when elements were added if the volume is very large and you need to re-compare often. A few thousand elements is not really big enough, but I recently had to diff 100k sized lists.
Another way to do it is to use Array::Utils
use Array::Utils qw(:all);
my @a = qw( a b c d );
my @b = qw( c d e f );
# symmetric difference
my @diff = array_diff(@a, @b);
# intersection
my @isect = intersect(@a, @b);
# unique union
my @unique = unique(@a, @b);
# check if arrays contain same members
if ( !array_diff(@a, @b) ) {
# do something
# get items from array @a that are not in array @b
my @minus = array_minus( @a, @b );