The original directory contained 240K files:
Total Files Listed:
243541 File(s) 1,062,470,729 bytes
64718 Dir(s)
Many of these are svn files. If I remove all the subdirectories named ".svn" then the number of files drops to 90K:
Total Files Listed:
90615 File(s) 537,457,618 bytes
7190 Dir(s)
Some directories have a subdirectory named "resources" and/or "script-tests". I think that these subdirectories contain helper files which are used by test cases in the superdirectories. If I remove these subdirectories (because they don't add to the total number of tests) then the number of files drops to 87K :
Total Files Listed:
87672 File(s) 534,598,610 bytes
6305 Dir(s)
Condensing 'similar' filenames (e.g. "arrow-keys-on-body.html" and "arrow-keys-on-body-expected.txt" are two files which define a single test) reduces the total number from 87K to 43K.
The only subdirectories which contain more than 1500 of these test cases (counted as described above) are:
2761 LayoutTests\dom
10330 LayoutTests\fast (of which 5934 are in LayoutTests\fast\js)
22575 LayoutTests\platform (with various O/S-specific subdirectories).
Within the platform subdirectories there seems to have been some copy-and-pasting between platforms. For example, the css3-modsel-37-expected.txt
file exists:
- In the
- In the
- In the
If I discard filenames which are duplicated into several platform subdirectories, then there are only 5716 (instead of 22575) unique platform tests.
In summary I think there are about 18K unique tests: which is still an impressive number of tests, but fewer than the 250K that you had estimated in your OP.