Hey, I'm using the lines functionality to take an input and split up many variables before sending it off to a function. Please look at the run function and tell me why I get the following error. It seems like it should just assign the first string in ln to seq, but I get an error.
Couldn't match expected type `[t]' against inferred type `Char'
In a 'do' expression: seq <- ln !! 0
In the expression:
do ln <- lines s
seq <- ln !! 0
states <- ln !! 1
l1 <- listDouble (ln !! 2)
In the definition of `run':
run s = do ln <- lines s
seq <- ln !! 0
states <- ln !! 1
code follows...
import Char
maximumInd :: (Double, Double) -> Int
maximumInd (d1,d2) | maximum [d1,d2] == d1 = 1
| maximum [d1,d2] == d2 = 2
scoreFunction :: String -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> (Double,Double)
scoreFunction string (-1) l1 l2 t1 t2 = (0.5, 0.5)
scoreFunction string index l1 l2 t1 t2 = ((fst (scoreFunction string (index-1) l1 l2 t1 t2)) * (l1!!num) * (tr (maximumInd (scoreFunction string (index-1) l1 l2 t1 t2))!!1), (snd (scoreFunction string (index-1) l1 l2 t1 t2)) * (l2!!num) * (tr (maximumInd (scoreFunction string (index-1) l1 l2 t1 t2))!!2))
num = digitToInt (string!!index)
tr n | n == 1 = l1
| n == 2 = l2
--split is stolen from teh webs http://julipedia.blogspot.com/2006/08/split-function-in-haskell.html
split :: String -> Char -> [String]
split [] delim = [""]
split (c:cs) delim
| c == delim = "" : rest
| otherwise = (c : head rest) : tail rest
rest = split cs delim
readDouble :: String -> Double
readDouble s = read s :: Double
listDouble :: String -> [Double]
listDouble s = map readDouble $ split s ' '
run :: String -> String
run s = do
ln <- lines s
seq <- ln!!0
states <- ln!!1
l1 <- listDouble (ln!!2)
l2 <- listDouble (ln!!3)
tr1 <- readDouble (ln!!4)
tr2 <- readDouble (ln!!5)
show maximumInd (scoreFunction seq (length seq) l1 l2 tr1 tr2)
main = do
putStrLn "Please compose a test job for Viterbi."
putStrLn "First line: A sequence with language [1,9]."
putStrLn "Second line: The number of states."
putStrLn "For the next 2 lines: space delimited emission probabilities."
putStrLn "For the 2 lines after that, transmission probabilities."
putStrLn "Then do ./casino < filename "
interact run