



How can I solve the issue of content existing in multiple versions and multiple languages?

My current structure:

Each content can only have one active version in each language, and that's how I'm curious on how to best solve.

Right now I have a column of the contentversions table, which means for each change of active version I have to run a update and set active=false on all version and then a update to set active=true for the piece of content in question.

+2  A: 

You could use a table activeversion with the same structure as content_contentversion_languages, but with a unique key on (content_id, language_id) and a single foreign key on all columns, referencing content_contentversion_languages. Marking a new version as active requires just a single INSERT or UPDATE to this table.

Marcelo Cantos
Good idea! Does the table structure look sensible otherwise? I've been hoping on interating this into an ORM which I'm sure requires some sense in the structure :)