Hi, I have developed some ASP.NET controls in .NET 2.0 with VS 2008. Now, I upgraded my project to VS 2010 but did not change the target framework to .NET 4.0 yet. But, surprisingly, I found that, the toolbox is not showing the bitmaps for the control added to the toolbox in VS 2010. Moreover, when I dragged and dropped a control (.NET 2.0) from the toolbox to my Web Form, I see some junk xml code added to my web form. I dont know if I need to recompile the .NET 2.0 controls with VS 2010 ? or what should I do in order to make the controls compatible for both in VS 2008 and VS 2010 ? I found that, there is no problem with Windows Forms control, rather it is just with ASP.NET Controls.
I mean, When I drag and drop the control from VS 2010 toolbox on my ASP.NET WebForm in Design Mode, I see the XML instead of seeing the control's design view. And that XML is not even the aspx markup for that control. For example, if I drag and drop a button control on a Web Form, in Design View, I expect to see the Button, not XML snippet, right? But I am getting those weired xml snippet in my design view.