



I have a SolrPhpClient on my classifieds website, and whenever users wants to add/remove classified the index in Solr gets updated via Php code.

So I wonder, does this mean that my Solr index is open for anybody to alter with?

Same Q applies to the Solr Admin page. If I set a password for the admin page, does this mean that my classifieds website wont have access to updating/removing documents from the Solr index?


+1  A: 

If your Solr instance is available to the public so that anyone can make an http connection to it, you are vulnerable.

Think of Solr as a back-end service (like your MySql database). You should prevent all public access to the Solr instance. You can run a firewall or do some IPTables magic to allow only your PHP application to connect to Solr (and obviously your administrator to connect to the admin interface).

In basic terms, how can I allow only my php app to have access to solr? Would appreciate details.