



I have problem of accessing my website created using visual studio on my local pc. the pc using windows 7 with static ip address has been configured and i have added a hostname " hosts" on c:\windows\system32\driver\etc. on the IIS i have configured the binding with impersonation set enabled and windows authentication is enabled.

the user login just keep prompting eventhough i have entered the correct username and password.


Yea 192...* is router reserved IP.

I had the same issues with Windows 7 and and its due to IPV6.

Try disabling the IPv6 Protocol in "Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections" and right clicking your stablished connection to your router, unticking the IPv6 and leaving the IPv4 selected to see if that will make a difference.;

Your local IP is more than likly :::1 or something along then lines!

-- Update

Where you have set you ip to route to your local domain, try setting it to so that it loops to itself and not via the gateway, Or you can leave it as it is and add the rule to your router to send traffic from the HTTP Port 80 to your PC.

192. master net is not for routers only, I think you'll find the vast majority of computers behind *home* routers have a 192.168.x.x address. I think you'll find 192.168.x.1 specifically is going to be a router/gateway 99% of the time (out of convention)...that's the part that makes me question if his address is correct.
Nick Craver
Updated, Yea thats the kinda think i ment, Master net is reserved for a Local Network, meaning several PC's via your router will have an incrementing ip address that ranges from to if im correct.
i am changing ip on etc\hosts to "" and use "" and still got the same problem, but if i change the ".com" into ".local" my username and password is authenticated and i can see myweb.mylocal.local website. is't ".local" a must for local development? for your info my machine didn't have any outside world connection.

IE autologin only works for intranet addresses, you might try adding the domain to your intranet zone.

I added my "" into intranet zone with auto detect intranet is checked but still prompting me on.

I know that on Windows Server 2003 since SP1, you cannot browse local sites set up for windows auth using host headers or FQDN. This is by design to protect against reflection attacks. You can get round this with a couple of registry settings. See this article for more information.

I'm not sure if this is the case with Windows 7, but worth a try.

Alternatively you could just try browsing from another machine.


John Rhodes