I have installed an ASP.NET 4.0 Web forms application in IIS 7.5. If I set the application pool to DefaultAppPool (.NET Framework 2.0) I get the icons for Providers, .NET-Roles and .NET-Users displayed on the configuration page for the application in IIS Manager and I can manage users and roles within IIS. (I'm using Forms authentication.)
But if I set the application pool to ASP.NET v4.0 I get a problem: Double clicking on the icons for Users or Roles in IIS Manager throws an error telling me that I cannot use these features since the providers could not be determined as trusted. If I set in administration.config in the trustedProviders section allowUntrustedProviders="true" and double click again on one of the icons I get the error that the assembly System.Web, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a could not be found. If I restart IIS Manager the icons disappear completely.
.NET Framework 4.0 is definitely installed. So this is all quite confusing. I know that .NET 4 uses another GAC than the old one for .NET 2-3. Could it be possible that IIS Manager is not able to find the new GAC for .NET 4? Do I have to add perhaps some of the new 4.0 assemblies to administration.config? Is there another way to add users and roles instead of IIS?
Thank you for help in advance!