I have been using UIBinder on SmartGWT widgets rather successfully. However, I have to extend each SmartGWT widget that I use to comply with UIBinder's requirement. Occasionally, I have to masquerade a SmartGWT widget into com.google.gwt namespace, or masquerade a non-GWT-widget as a GWT widget. I extend widgets on as-needed basis.
So, I am starting to wonder, may be SmartGWT already has a UI XML format and I might be doing all this UIBinder acclimatization just to reinvent SmartGWT's wheel.
I have read and reread source codes of the showcase and delved into some of the SmartGWT source code, as well as reading the javadocs.
All I found is XML or Json for communication between server and client.
Is there any UI def XML available for SmartGWT whether gwt-compiled to client-side javascript or like Vaadin's server-side generated UIDL?
And if you happen to be an Isomorphic agent, could you tell us if there are any plans to let SmartGWT play with UIBinder (to preclude me from having to massage SmartGWT widgets on my own anymore)?