



I know IE7 has issues...

I've read posts here and on Google telling me I need to set the style by hand onfocus() and onblur(). However, everything I try isn't working!

Here is my jQuery


        if (jQuery.browser.msie === true) {

                var $foo= $(this);
                $foo.bind('onfocus onblur', function() {


            }//end if


The a corresponding box

<input name="ctl00$SelectionContent$Selections1$txtDestinationDate" type="text"
id="ctl00_SelectionContent_Selections1_txtDestinationDate" class="date-picker" 
style="width:80px;" />

I have already confirmed that my code is detecting MSIE. That I am getting a count of 2 objects.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

+3  A: 
$foo.bind('onfocus onblur', function() {

should be

$foo.bind('focus blur', function() {

You don't need the each-loop really,

$("").bind('focusin focusout', function(){

Is just fine. It will select all input elements with the class 'date-picker' and bind the events to it. You may also want to read about the .focusin() and .focusout() events.

Thanks for the quick answer!Does .bind() add code to the input element for these events?it's not working, even with this change. And I don't see any markup added, either (not sure if I'm supposed to)
updated. .bind() only calls an eventhandler method which binds your selfdefined code. If everything works correctly, you can use FireBug to watch the toggle of the class smalltxt-active.

try this for many form element

$("input,select,button").bind('focusin focusout', function(){ $(this).toggleClass('focu'); });

Ranga Pathmasiri